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Howie's Mom My painful memory. September 15, 2012
Howie; it is clear that you truly wanted to do and to give your best to others until you realized you could give it all to Jesus. You were so relieved when your spirit made reconciliation with your creator and savior Lord. Then you found the true, real love of a father and you only had to please HIM. Yes my son RIP!!

I went over your pictures in the Gallery and almost lost it but I AM DOING BETTER NOW; AS BOB HOPE WOULD SAY
 "THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES"  I love you in life and in death to your flesh my son. I love you deeply. I will be silent no more to the emotional cruelty that is diverted towards me because of money. Money has never kept a human soul out of the fires of hell and money would never cause me to mistreat or disrespect another human soul. "So get your engines rolling" - right back at you - I love you too. God has never lost a battle yet, think He will lose now?, think again!!. He is able!.

Thank you Peter, you are a genius, thank you for showing such respect and honor to your brothetr Howard.
I am moved by this tribute. 

 Read on and remember if God be for me no one can be against me; not even the gates of hell can come near me. Amen!! If I can help some day only speak the word and it will be done. All I ever will have belongs to God. Mercy Lord!!!
Howard's Mother Never did enough for my son - God did the best September 15, 2012
I got up real early today my son to get intouch with my spirit so I may write to you in Jesus name.

Life has changed so much sisce you and Davie were called away.  The family has grown by adding new babies but not grown in grace. Looking ahead is keeping me quite focused with the plan to put a headstone on the grave cite for us (You-David-Me)

Every time I see the bare grass I weep to think your remains and David's is just below my feet but I rejoyce to know your souls have taken wings to world's unknown in the very presence of our Lord Jesus. I have a job now, the plan is to have the headstone in place by your birthday Nov. 12, 2012.  It took me a long time but you know how hard it was for me financially.
Planning to have a real celebration on the first time I see it. The birds will help me to sing as they always do, clapping my hands and praising the Lord will be the order of that day for me.

My son I love you and I am so happy you will never have to be disappointed in me or in life ever again.  There is only joy in the everlawsting presence of the King.  So heart warming to read all the good things people remember about you. Thank you my son. I will never forget the night you took the car and when you came back I met you in the dark with a 2x4. After I laid it on you;  Your response to me was "Thank you mom, I really needed that" What a guy; you were really someone special. I will never ever forget that night and that poweful response.  That changed my perspective of you forever. Your comitted Mom.
Gainesville Fl Missing You.... March 14, 2012
I was just thinking of how u came all the way back to Gainesville to give my son a father figure when he called you because he trusted u to talk to. You were talking to him on the phone and pulled up in the drive way. That day, he and you made a bond unspeakable. He hugged u so tightly, cried....Thank you Howie.  You touched my family in ways so priceless Howard. I miss u so much. I love you baby.......... (Laughing) Remember that night you, Peter, and I went out in your town? Remember the guy came up to me with u standing there and tried to pick me up? Though you said am I not standing here, the look on your face chased him away.....(LMBH) I miss u but cherish our memories. (Bonnie and Clyde)
U r on me so good right now. I am going thru a lot n I know u r with me. Wish I could call u, u answer, we talk. I know, u r with me regardless, not as I would want(in body), in spirit(even better). I love n miss u. I remember one night u surprised me and popped up to my home. I opened the door to your loving, smilin face that u completed with a hug, kiss I will always cherish this memory. I could never say it enough, I love n miss u......Bonnie n Clyde(private joke)
Missing u n G'Ville
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