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Howard bandoo
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A man should not leave this earth with unfinished business. He should live each day as if it was a pre-flight check. He should ask each morning, am I prepared to lift-off? Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider




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This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Howard Leighton Alfred Bandoo who was born in United Kingdom on November 12, 1968, and passed away on October 21, 2008 around 8:00 p.m. in Pasco County Florida. He was 39 years old.



Howard and his new bride of 3 days, were on their way to their honeymoon, traveling south on Highway 41, which resolved in a fatal Head-On collision with another vehicle headed north. His wife was driving!  Our beloved Howard was killed instantly Magali sustained severe injuries to her lower extremities and was airlifted to St Joesph's hospital in Tampa FL. 

It has been 4 years since my brother Howie was taken from us and still no Headstone has been purchased for his final resting place in the Brooksville cemetery in Florida. The family has not given up its quest to purchase Howie's headstone and hope to have it mounted by 2014 God's willing. As for Magali she was found at fault for the accident and has since collected a substancial insurance settelment.  Her actions spoke Louder than her words as she turned turned her back on her deceased husband's family that stood by her in her time of need an in the planning of our beloved Howie's Home going Service.  No one has seen or heard from her again. Which leaves us with the question Why? But God's plan Supercedes all including her agenda so we are at peace In our loss knowing that Howie is safe in the arms of JESUS! away from all harm.

Magali my god have mercy on your soul for your actions toward your late husband.Yell 

We give God glory for the great transformation that took place in Howard's life before his death. He became a man on a mission and over the last  4 months worked with joy and excitement to win souls for God. He felt that he would die soon, and always said "It's ok, I'm ready to go be with the lord". Howard was changed from the inside out! He faithfully went to bible study, worship service, men's fellowship, and read his Bible and prayed everyday. He single handedly planned his wedding in 6 weeks while seeking God and praying every step of the way. He had a vision, a mission and a goal and there was no stopping him. Anyone that knew Howard, knew he was changed. He will be missed  and will live forever be in our memories and hearts.




Please light a candle for Howard or express a memory or two about Howie on the memories and or the condolence page link.



The family would like to thank Brewer & Sons Funeral Home of Sprinhill Florida for there support through this trying time http://www.brewerfuneral.com 




Home going services were held on November 06, 2008 @ 12 p.m. @ Northcliffe Baptist Church 10515 Northcliffe Blvd. Spring Hill FL 34608





The family can be reached @ 352-593-5741





Wedding photos provided by George Woodson www.photosbygeorgef.com

Presentación de Diapositivas
Condolencias Recientes
Gainesville Just Becuz September 23, 2014
You taught me how a real man is suppose to treat a woman. You taught me how to be a lady, act like a woman, be myself at the same time with respect for me so others will respect me too. You let me know that not everyone was an abuser and that I too desrve happiness and was not the only one who made mistakes. You opened up to me about you and your flaws. I miss you so much. Terrill is homke now. He is doing well. We speak here and there which I am sure you would say is too much. I feel your presence at times. I feel like you are my angel. I love you Howard. Miss you terribily.
Ever loving Mother Never stop loving you here on earth September 15, 2012
Howie; I do not want the world to see or hear our conversation because the enemy of our souls is still lurking in the dark but I can say I love you always in pain and in joy and every Tuesday morning and Tuesday evening about 7:30 pm; it is so special to me I can feel a gentle breeze whispring in my ear "Mom ,Love you, see you later mom" just the way you always said it to me.
   Son I'm trying so very hard to finish this race strong for those that will come behind me.  Also trying to keep your dreams alive in accomplishing a memorial scholarship in your's and your brother David's name for  young men who want to turn their lives around to the glory and honor of the saving grace of our Lord Jesus.  I did not forget our conversations and your dreams.
   My joy is full to know that you finished your course and ran a very hard race to the end. Though you were in a manglked crash You spilled no blood nor did you have any broken bones is a real sigh of the transportation and escort of angels you had to your heavenly home. Jesus paid it all . Our last telephone conversation was "Mom what is taking you so long"? My reply I will soon be there. The same holds true for this very moment. 

   I am trying my best to get things done for Jesus sake and our testimony that "Nothing is impossible with God and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".  My son I love you ; hug and kiss David, Grand-ma, Auntie, Aunty Alice, Corey. say hello to your dad and the other saints that came to greet you.  I love you and I am being strong and happy to be on this side to continue this walk of faith and grace through Christ. I am so happy I am saved and covered by God's grace.

  I have a ministry in the mirror now,  even take an offering when I can. smile!  I encourage myself to keep going on in Jesus in the joy of the Lord and the love we shared with our sweet David  your son. I am interceeding for him every day until the walls come down between us. I will love him no matter what, he is an extension of you in my heart but I must give him his space to grieve and to learn that I love him unconditionally. AS of this 15th day of Sept.2012 , I shall be counting the days to hold him in my arms again and see you in his eyes. This I will never have with your brother David . I just kiss  and talk to his pictures.

  Howie, you must know by now that I would have done anything to prevent you from falling into the deceptive hands of satan but disobedience has a premium. a high cost. I only remember the good we shared in Christ; the sweet victories we had in forgiveness and love. Enjoy heaven my son.  I
t is your reward from your Holy Father God, the three in one. Amen!!
Missing U N G'Ville Grieving....So Broken..... July 25, 2012
Howie I met someone a little over two years ago. As a matter of fact, we were dating the last time I lit a candle. Who knew it would grow as it did? I fell in love Howie. I was afraid to after losing one of the best, (YOU). After asking me to marry him twice, I accepted on the tird round only to lose him July 9, 2012 to heart failure. Howie it hurts so bad. We just had a conversation about you. Each day I cry, my heart is so broken. Its like learning of losing you all over again. I just do not see me loving again. You and I had broken up for about six or seven months before you married then left us in body. We remained friends and your death hit me very hard so can you imagine me losing my fiancee'? Howard, I could always talk to you. I feel a lb lighter, yet my heart is still heavy. Thanks for being the Howie I grew to love. ~Bonnie/Clyde~BROKENHEARTED
My precious nephew, Howard, I love and miss you - how blessed I was to have had such a precious nephew as you - Happy Birthday my handsone nephew - now you are celebrating with our Lord and Saviour - who loves you more than any earthly person can - we cherish your memory - please say hello  to my darling brother, your uncle, Leighton and to Heavy.
Love you every waking Day!

sarah gary saddened September 6, 2011
I met Howie thru my daughter virgil and am also very saddened to see his life cut short by an accident especially since he seemed so full of life. The one thing I remember is that Howie wanted a nice wedding, even though he and virgil didn't get to that point I am so glad to see that he had that lovely event and  he seemed so happy.  I know he and his mom were very close and this must have been an awful shock, I too lost my son in 1999 and do know that with gods healing hand that all will make it thru this, my son has been gone 12 years and it seems like yesterday.
I find joy in the good memories that I had with my son and on the bad days I think of his love for me and my love for him and know that not even death can seperate that. To all the family I really think your  son, husband or brother was a nice person, and everyone that knew him is saddened  and feel a great loss. My prayers are with you all.
Galería Rápida
Wedding reception Emotional Howie Howie and Mom The_best_of_Mr_X_Mrs_Howard_Bandoo__-106 IMG00160 IMG00161 IMG00162 The_best_of_Mr_X_Mrs_Howard_Bandoo__-119 the couple IMG00165 IMG00163 IMG00159 The wedding IMG00150 IMG00153